Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Get involved in the development of Fosse Family Practice by joining our patient participation group.

Are you a patient interested in:

  • Being involved in the development of the Fosse Family Practice
  • Working with a group of patients and staff to share information and ideas, and help shape the practice’s future services
  • Contributing to the wider local NHS Health Service development


You can join our Patient Participation group, which meets quarterly, or sign up for our Virtual Participation Group.

To join, you can call the Practice or email us on [email protected].

What is a PPG?

A PPG is a volunteer group of patients who work with their GP practice to ensure the patient’s perspective is represented in the planning and improvement of services.


The group meets quarterly to discuss ways to improve the practice’s services. Members can attend face-to-face meetings and a virtual group where we seek feedback via email from interested patients.



The PPG’s role includes:

  • Being a critical friend to the practice
  • Advising the practice on patient perspectives and service quality
  • Encouraging patients to take responsibility for their health
  • Conducting research into patients’ views
  • Organising health promotion events and improving health literacy
  • Communicating regularly with the patient population


Patients, GPs, practice staff, and the wider community all benefit from a successful PPG. Patients can:

  • Recommend improvements and raise concerns
  • Increase their understanding of the practice’s operations
  • Understand the role and workload of GPs and staff
  • Take better care of their and their family’s health


GPs and practice staff can benefit from:

  • Improved communication with patients
  • A mutually respectful relationship
  • Increased patient participation and support for the practice’s goals

What a PPG is not:

A PPG is not a forum for personal medical issues or complaints. Patients should discuss medical issues with their treating doctor or nurse and address complaints to the Practice Manager.


Join us and help run the PPG. Your opinion matters. This is your chance to have a say in how we can improve and make positive changes.